Karly is a seven year old girl with a new bestfriend, her dog Ali. They grow together while discovering Karly's new diagnoses of Cystic Fibrosis. Ali, her dog tells Karly's CF story and all the new information and tasks Karly has to do with this illness. While watching Karly stick to a daily schedule to help maintain her health Ali notices Karly comes home from school unwell. The doctor informs Karly and her family she needs go in the hospital for what CF patients call a "clean out". This is where Karly goes in the hospital for a couple weeks for IV antibiotics to help clear her lungs of mucus so she can breathe better. Ali misses her but knows the hospital stay is needed for Karly's health. After Karly comes home she is feeling better and back to playing with Ali and back in school. Karly proceeds to explain to her classmates the reason why she was absent and what Cystic Fibrosis is and how it effects her. Ali is very proud of Karly for being brave and not only taking care of herself but of Ali too. Ali loves Karly and is happy there is medication Karly can take everyday to stay well. Ali see's Karly as her hero and tries to help Karly with love and support along their journey in living with CF together.