When Hudson catches a Mystery Bug, Juliette's journey of discovery begins. She learns essential hygiene skills, masking, social-distancing and how vaccines rally the body's defenses to keep Mystery Bugs at bay.Here, under one cover are Colleen and Terry Shepherd's beloved stories, "Juliette and the Mystery Bug," "Juliette and the Masked Hero," and the all new "Juliette and the Vaccine." Based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, beautifully illustrated by Casey Ratchford, and written in a poetic style that helps kids memorize important health habits, "Juliette and the Mystery Bug - The Complete Collection" is an essential resource to help children stay healthy, whenever Mystery Bugs appear. Readers agree that "Juliette and the Mystery Bug" is not only an important guide to disease prevention, but a delightful story that will become a household favorite.