Many people today regard themselves as VICTIMS. Victims of the times, of family failures, victims of poverty, of poor education, of politics, of bad luck, and any other thing we might single out to take the blame off ourselves. Josiah proves us all wrong. Of all the chains that could have kept him trapped - he broke them all. Yes, with God's help he broke the chains in his own life, he broke the chains of his family, his people, his nation, and his religion. He was courageous, deliberate, and God-directed in all he did. Josiah, son of Amon, broke all the chains and cleverly found his way through the maze of life. He is a man, a leader, a king worth learning from. Josiah - Chain Breaker is a unique example both of creative nonfiction and of true collaborative writing. The historical events (Josiah lived from 640 to 609 BCE) are described from a variety of voices that cumulatively present the person, the settings, the events, the implications, and ongoing significance of the outstanding life of Josiah, king of Judah. These were desperate times for the fledging nation of Judah, its very existence was threatened on many sides. The political turmoil of the day is described. The religious and moral decline is demonstrated. And Josiah's response to the host of difficulties facing him is detailed. His life was heart-led, intellectually driven, and a credit to noble councilors and written wisdom that was studied carefully and adhered to in full. The life of Josiah offers a roadmap for achievement, significance, and victory in life for all who pay attention. The book includes color photographs of Israel and historical information of the nations and religious practices of the day, and of the family line of Josiah.