A story of the life of Jesus of Nazareth as told by his life time friend Apollonius of Tyana and his companion Damis. Jesus and Apollonius meet as school boys in Alexandria and become life long friends. Jesus names for Apollonius are Joseph or Thomas. It traces stories of his birth and the schooling of Jesus and Apollonius and their desire to create a way of life to improve the life of others. Their plan to explore the unknown world east of the Roman Empire to assure themselves that they have 'tasted' all the knowledge of the world, building a plan that would let them begin their time as teachers at the age of 30. Their plan is upset by the death of Jesus' father Joseph and the need of Jesus to return from India to Alexandria to bring his mother and family back to Nazareth. While living there, the happenings to Jesus including his losses and gains in family members and the early beginning of his ministry. What happens with his ministry and the necessity of Apollonius, with Damis to return to the Galilee to join Jesus; the final years of the life of Jesus; the birth of a daughter to his wife Mary, and the work of Apollonius to get Mary and the child to France after the death of Jesus.