About the author
Terri is family-oriented and loves spending time with her family including her five children counting her son-in-love and daughter-in-love as well as her three amazing grandchildren.
"Strategy and physics are leveraged in every aspect of life, so, decide wisely", is her personal philosophy. Accustomed to hearing lifelong quotes from her parents, she was born and raised in the Midwest. She boasts on the fact that she could not have had a better set of parents. They instilled altruism, confidence, integrity, perseverance, tenacity, and creativity in her.
From her pre-K years she has always been drawn to intellectual stimulation with a documentary or especially with a great read. Recently her love for reading has transitioned to a love for writing. As a Christian and believer, her first book, To Bind Up the Brokenhearted is healing for the fractured soul! The revelation of her second book came to her in a day resulting in this publication, Jesus Is His Name, now being available.
More books to come! Check her out on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram @territheauthor or on her webpage https://territheauthor.com. Hope you enjoy the reads and that they bless you wholeheartedly!