"Japan Lights in the Darkness" is an exquisite collection of meticulously curated images, spanning from 2018 to 2023. Devoid of any filler content, each photograph seamlessly transitions to the next, ensuring a consistently high standard throughout. This book is thoughtfully crafted to cater to a diverse audience, encompassing both photography enthusiasts and individuals with an appreciation for captivating depictions of Japan. The primary emphasis remains on the art of photography itself, with minimal accompanying text, allowing the visuals to take center stage and resonate with readers on a profound level. Noe Alonzo's motivation for this collection is beautifully articulated in his own words: "I want to leave photography behind to show the world I existed." Through this anthology of neon-noir imagery, Noealz strives to immortalize his presence, leaving an indelible mark on the world of photography with his unique vision of Japan's mesmerizing beauty.