Since the game's introduction to America in the latter part of the 19th century, African-Americans maintained an affinity for the sport. The infamous "Caucasian Only" clause had kept blacks stagnated for sixty years; but it has been over three decades since the elimination of that clause, and, obviously, the void remains. In addition to this, there were several other issues that needed to be addressed. Many golf enthusiasts had misconceptions, or simply did not understand the necessary measures that one has to take in order to become a tour-caliber player.
Today, the lack of finances and/or sponsorship support seemingly play a major role toward allowing players to gain necessary tournament experiences in order to have a greater chance to make it onto the PGA Tour, and excel at golf's highest competitive level. Still, many had received some type of financial support at one time or another but failed to produce at the crucial time — they didn't seize the opportunity — and their support vanished. But why didn't they produce when they had the chance? What was really stopping them from getting past that final obstacle? Was there something missing in their training and mental process? Based on these questions and other ones, readers will discover that there may exist latent problems within African-Americans' games and psyche that were being overlooked constantly, which, inadvertently, has kept them from ascending to the next level.
There are particular games within professional golf that one must play — and African-Americans simply had not been playing those games very well: They range from the players' self-determinism, work ethics, and business skills, to communication and community support. The context of this book begins with the earl