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Book details
  • SubGenre:General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:232
  • Paperback ISBN:9781631926600

Internal Landscapes

by John Ollom MFA

View author's profile page

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Internal Landscapes is the revolutionary methodology created by John Ollom. It is archetypal movement that leads to art creation. This book is supported by 14 years of movement research as well as a praxis that is founded on dance, movement art, Jungian depth psychology, the philosophy of Nietzsche and queer studies.


This extensively resourced book is the culmination of 14 years of movement research, movement technique classes and personal introspection that have created the revolutionary methodology of Internal Landscapes. John Ollom’s practice is defined as archetypal movement that leads to art creation. Many actors, dancers, performance artists and non-performers have come to work with John Ollom and his company of movement artists. Peer into a book that not only educates but tells personal stories of unbelievable honesty. Issues of rape, homosexuality, and survival through trauma have been addressed in this methodology. Artists that have dared to have the courage to create art that is poignant and revelatory have found John Ollom’s practice to be the key to their process.


"John Ollom is a healer. He binds up the internalized wounds of oppression that split body from soul, male from female, humanity from the natural world. His medicine is dance. But it's a kind of dance you may not have seen before, arising from each performer's inner truth rather than enforced conformity to an external ideal."

  • Jendi Reiter, Vice President of Winning Writers & Author
About the author

John Ollom is a movement artist, teacher, choreographer/director and healer who has presented at symposiums, conferences, and colloquiums throughout the country and has worked with individual clients internationally. His methodology has been taught at the Eastern Michigan University (Artist in Residence), Kalani Retreat Center in Hawaii, Atmananda Yoga Sequence, Baruch College, CUNY Hostos, CUNY in the Heights, Easton Mountain Retreat Center, and Smith College. John received his MFA from Goddard College and his BFA in Ballet from Texas Christian University. He trained under Stephanie McFarlane Rand, Li Chou Cheng of Beijing Ballet, and Fernando Bujones of American Ballet Theatre and the Royal Ballet. Since 2002, John has served as the Artistic Director of Prismatic Productions, Inc./Ollom Art. John's work has been the subject of numerous articles and documentary films including: "Late Bloomers" by Annette Cyr, professor of Art at the National University in San Diego, "The Making of M.U.D.: An Exploration of the Work of John Ollom and Ollom Movement Art" by Robert Kazmayer, MA, "There's Something About John" by Emma McCagg, and in the Phindle.com article "About, or in, the Liminal Space: John Ollom at 954 Dance Movement Collective". You can learn more about him on ArtAsAir.com as a featured artist or on the Goddard in the World podcast or on the author page link.