Indomitable Spokesperson for Deity is an engaging "life and times" of Prophet Jeremiah. Jump back in time to the last decades of the nation of Judah. Watch the Kings, Priests, and "Prophets" drive the nation to oblivion, while Jeremiah single-handedly wills them to survive. He is threatened and abused but never backs down, strengthened by his remarkable personal-relationship with the Living God. A true story of triumph and failure that will leave you stunned and looking for more.
Section one of the book, "Stumbling onto the National Stage," transports readers to Jerusalem to observe three critical stages in the City's rise and fall. This backdrop shows how desperately the prophet was needed, whether anyone realized it or not.
Section two, "Waves of Opposition," allows readers to witness the physical and emotional abuse inflicted on this indomitable man. Expect yourself to weep and be angered as you watch these events. But this man's courage, commitment, and strength is an inspiration to behold.
Section 3, "Dialogues with Supreme Commander," details a remarkable 40-year "conversation" between God and his servant. These 10 dialogues are embedded in the book of Jeremiah, but sadly overlooked by commentators and Bible teachers until now. This dynamic, interactive relationship is incredible.
The book concludes with 10 appendices, essays that illuminate more of the background and dynamics of the Book of Jeremiah. The length of the book is 264 pages with 388 footnotes.