About the author
Ademola Gideon Ilori was the Traffic Safety Expert/Advisor and a key member of the National Traffic Safety Committee, Ministry of Interior which has the responsibility to coordinate all traffic safety activities in Qatar. Prior to this position he was the Safety Advisor for the, Traffic Department, General Administration for Public Safety, Ministry of Interior, Qatar. In addition to other responsibilities as the Traffic Safety Expert/Advisor , he still studies, reviews and continues to analyze road traffic accidents data with the view to identify root causes and use such information in addition to local customs and culture to promote road safety through education. A hands on road safety educator, he personally visited most high profile accidents to examine accident sites to acquire firsthand information in addition to taking photographs and interview eye witnesses. Under his guidance the accident and fatalities dropped drastically.
Ademola Gideon Ilori also advises the National Campaign for Road Accident Prevention. His focus is to help develop a national road safety program by engaging the youth to take the lead in promoting road safety. He actively participates in outreach road safety awareness programs in high schools, colleges, universities and other community activities.
Ademola Ilori received HND(BSc) - Civil Engineering from Ibadan Polytechnic, Nigeria, and four master degrees; M.S. – Public Health - Industrial Hygiene, M.S. - Industrial Engineering - Engineering Management, M.S. - Civil Engineering and M.P.W. - Engineering and Administration from the University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh, PA.
He is married with two adult children(men).