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Book details
  • SubGenre:Facility Management
  • Language:English
  • Pages:244
  • Paperback ISBN:9781667864976

In the Midst of a Recall

Recall Management and Prevention Strategies in Real World Scenarios

by Robert W. Manning

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The book will take you through a multi-million-dollar recall, from the initial call to legal proceedings. The recall management process is divided into two sections, the reactive phase, on what happened and managing through the process, followed by the proactive phase on what to do to prevent it within your organization.
A product recall can be one of the most stressful situations in today's business environment. Depending on the complexity and products involved, there could be lives at risk, tens to hundreds of millions of dollars at stake, and the company's fate at hand, requiring accurate and decisive decision-making skills. The author, who led teams of operations, quality, and external consulting teams, will take you through the process of what happened, decisions made, and outcomes throughout the recall. These experiences and lessons learned will provide the reader with concepts, strategies, and tools that will allow them to build a solid, customizable recall prevention plan.
About the author
Bob Manning has worked in food manufacturing his entire career and has spent more than 25 years in various positions within different food manufacturing industries, in both plant and senior corporate roles. He has spent most of his time in Operations and Quality, however, has worked in Project Management / Engineering, Sustainability, and EHS – Environmental, Health, and Safety. Bob has a B.S. in Biology from Salem State College (Salem State University). After graduating and while working, Bob managed to earn 3 master's degrees, an MBA, a Master's in Engineering Management, both from Western New England College (now Western New England University) and a Master's degree in Food Safety from Michigan State University, College of Veterinary Medicine. Bob is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Strategic Management and Executive Leadership with Penn State University. He enjoys working in plants and has worked as an internal and external consultant for large firms and international consulting companies. With Bob's vast knowledge in both operations and quality he has spent much of his career as an internal consultant / troubleshooter working on manufacturing problems and improvement areas. At one point in his career, he was assigned to lead a team of plant, corporate, and technical manufacturing experts through a multi-year recall investigation within a facility. Bob decided to write this book to help companies incorporate programs within their operations to prevent conditions leading to recalls. Most importantly, to help to build more robust food manufacturing operations to keep the consumers safe, prevent the loss of food, and helping to feed the world.