What people are saying about In Love With Freedom
…How could the Princess' story never have been told before? From her royal birth and
kidnapping to her fleeing the Communist takeover, I was hooked. This has got to be made into
a movie! (retired teacher)
… Princess Catherine's story is both universal and uniquely compelling and should be told/read in
every freedom-loving town in America. (Librarian)
… I will never have the opportunity to meet Princess Catherine. However, after reading her
amazing story, I wish I had. (Librarian)
… In Love With Freedom reads like a movie! (book clubber)
… I thought her story was very touching yet she showed how she was tough and brave! (6th
… You must read this book. In Love With Freedom cost me a full night's sleep because I could
not put it down. (critic)
… Being a veteran and an employee of an aviation company that produces military aircraft and
an amateur history buff, I have found a personal connection to In Love With Freedom. (Veteran)
… I had to remind myself that although the book read like a work of fiction, this did actually
happen. (Librarian)
… I will remember that story about the Princess forever! (5th grader)
… All Americans can learn something from Princess Catherine's story. (Veteran)
… Had it been possible for her to meet our Founding Fathers, I believe she would have held her
own and at the least engaged them in some very spirited discussion and debate. I came away
very impressed with this woman's perseverance and commitment to the basic principles of
independence. (Librarian)
… I can't tell you if it's a history book that reads like a Hollywood thriller or a historical novel
that puts me in the lap of one of the most fascinating women of the Twentieth Century. (book
…The subtitle identifies it as the "true story of a remarkable woman." That is an
understatement. It is, rather, the astonishing and riveting true story of an amazing woman.
(newspaper columnist)
… Should be mandatory reading for all who take freedom for granted – and that's a majority of
us! (Veteran)
… I absolutely loved it. I cried at the end. (reader's letter)
… Everyone certainly appreciated the inspirational story that you related about Princess
Catherine of Romania and how her heroism touched the lives of so many. (Librarian)
In Love With Freedom will appeal to anybody with an interest
in history, in World War II, or to anyone who just simply wants to spend an enjoyable read of a wonderful story. (Librarian)
… Made me hate to put it down and anxious to return to it! (Veteran)
… My wife and I read your book and found it to be a fascinating, really beautifully written story
of freedom. The princess' quest to go back to each pilot to thank them for saving her country is
an incredible testament to the human spirit and capacity for true gratitude… (reader)
… Steve keeps her dream alive of spreading the message of freedom across the world by telling
her inspiring story. (Librarian)
… Having been, in my first life a history teacher, I have always loved reading good historical
non-fiction. This is way more than that. Once I started, I could not put it down. (Retired
administrator and teacher)
…Thank you so much for a lovely evening spent sharing the life of Princess Catherine. Her life is
one of hope, courage, and inspiration; thank you for telling her timely and timeless story.
…The subject of his book and presentation, Princess Catherine of Romania, was a truly
fascinating and remarkable person. I was enthralled.