In the chilling young adult psychological thriller, "If I Was There," the early 2000s serve as a backdrop for the harrowing journey of 14-year-old Bianca Manning. Her family and friends know her as a good girl who never causes problems, so why is she suddenly acting strange and pushing away everyone who loves her? His name is Tyler Drake. Disguised as a 16-year-old boy from her favorite teen support forum, this Cougar weaves a dangerous relationship that eventually unravels Bianca's entire life. By taking away everything she holds dear, including her passion for writing and photography, Tyler leaves a young lioness unsure if her Prince Charming is the hero or villain in her story. Bianca grapples with the chilling realization that those closest to her have now become pawns in his torturous games. She is isolated, vulnerable, and unsure of who she can trust. As Bianca's light teeters on the edge of being extinguished and her happy place starts to burn to the ground, the difference between escaping a predator and succumbing to his sinister plan falls on a single sentence. "If I Was There" is a heart-wrenching exploration of resilience, courage, and the strength it takes to battle the monsters who lurk in the shadows of the internet. Themes such as abuse, grooming from "online friends", effects of divorce on children, and other tough topics are woven through this story to expose the haunting realities of adolescence in the age of the internet.