Entertaining, lovable and sometimes silly, this popular children's book is filled with dinosaur adventures, humorous actions and fun science facts, including pronunciations for easy read-aloud. Join these colorful dinosaurs as they explore our world - going to the dentist, buying burgers, winning at the Super Bowl and falling in love. From the creators of the successful, out-of-print, hardcover edition of If Dinosaurs Were Alive Today, this revised E Book version, is easy to share on-the-go! Keep it handy on your phone or other device to enjoy with your kiddos anywhere. Books like this make us smile, spark imaginations, and charm readers, and dino-maniacs, of all ages. Authors, and sisters, Lisa Kristine Hilton and Sandra L. Kirkpatrick, have included some unusual dinosaurs, such as Lambeosaurus, as well as the beloved and more commonly known Stegosaurus. Also included are Megalosaurus, Deinonychus, Iguanodon, Triceratops, Trachodon, Dimetrodons, Eryops, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Polcanthus, Protoceratops, Diplodocus, and little Psittacosaurus. You'll enjoy reading fascinating facts about these prehistoric marvels while enjoying the colorful watercolors of master illustrator, Randy Chewning. The book engages with your reader at the end: If Dinosaurs Were Alive Today, what do YOU think they would do? Non Fiction: Ages 2-10 20 pages Preschool – 3. Dinosaurs, science, pre-history facts, humorous, popular, E Book edition, animal books