About the author
Len Cayetano was born in Crique Arena, Toledo District, Belize. He proudly
considers Punta Gorda his hometown since it was there that he spent most
of his formative years. He attended St. Peter Claver Primary School in Punta
Gorda but completed his primary education at St. Louis Rey Primary School
in San Antonio, Toledo District, Belize. After completing his primary
education, he returned to Punta Gorda where he completed two years of
high school education at St. Peter Claver College and finished his high school
education at Stann Creek Ecumenical High School in Dangria, Belize.
Following high school, he attended Belize Technical College Sixth Form in
Belize City where he majored in Chemistry and Mathematics.
His interest in continuing his studies in science drew him to the United
States where he attended DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois. At DePaul,
he did a dual major in Mathematics and Computer Science and graduated
with honors. Len recalls his time at DePaul fondly and recalls the engaging
and positive interactions he had with his professors of Mathematics and
Computer Science. Upon completion of his studies at DePaul, Len moved to
Los Angeles, California, where he began his career in Software Engineering
and continued graduate education in Computer Science at Loyola
Marymount University, and Business Management and Software
Engineering at the University of Southern California.
Len’s career in Software Engineering spans thirty years and is grateful for
the opportunity to work at some of the most progressive and
entrepreneurial organizations in the United States in both management and engineering roles. Highlights of his career include managing a remote engineering team in Moscow,
Russia, and being a member of the executive management team of an
Internet startup. Additional accomplishments include teaching as a guest
lecturer in Software Engineering at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering,
and designing and teaching a class on the fundamentals of embedded
systems for The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In
December 2014, Len was nominated as a candidate for IEEE’s 2015
Professional & Educational Activities Board. This board oversees the global
educational and professional activities for the Computer Society.
Len maintains a keen interest in all genres of music and is on a mission to
help preserve Garifuna music.