The "I Am Well" series takes a look at the seven components of wellness: Physical, Spiritual, Intellectual, Emotional, Occupational, Social, and Environmental, from a true Christian perspective. Part One answers the question, "What is Wellness" while unlocking the power of free will and language for the reader, and exposing the terrible invisible enemy who is committed to the destruction of all that is good. The "I Am Well" series will destroy the strongholds of the enemy, unlock the tools necessary for the sincere Christian to discover their God-given purpose, and help them to complete their assignments with courage, excellence, and joy.
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The "I Am Well" series attempts to explain the architecture of all that is created, and reaches toward the wisdom that may be found to understand, apply, and leverage the interactions and interdependencies between those creations. God Almighty (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) have always existed. Everything other than the one true God (the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) was created by Him and for Him. Framework and rules exist within His creation. An accurate understanding of this framework empowers those created in His image (us) with the power to make choices that are consistent with order and blessing, and reinforces the reality and weight of the consequences that come from making choices that go against the design of the architecture, creating chaos and death. We are able to break creation up into several different categories in order to begin to understand them better. These are the wellness components. The 7 components of wellness are: Physical, Spiritual, Intellectual, Emotional, Occupational, Social, & Environmental. The degree to which one commands a thorough understanding of each wellness component directly relates to the success one is able to achieve in creating a healthy, impactful, balanced life, and is a strong indicator of whether or not one will hear, "Well done good and faithful servant" or "Depart from me, I never knew you". Most of the voices attempting to dominate the wellness conversation today do so from a New Age religion perspective. Jonathan communicates powerfully the truth that Jesus Christ is the only real way to authentically "fill your spiritual cup". Everything else is a counterfeit, a deception, and a lie that will not only leave you feeling empty, but will damn your soul to the lake of fire for all of eternity. Part One of this "I Am Well" series makes a valiant effort to answer the question, "What is Wellness?" while attempting to unlock the power of free will and language, and exposing the great enemy who will try to sabotage your wellness efforts.
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About the author
Jonathan Moore is a Christian wellness warrior. Jonathan was born in Atlanta, GA. Jonathan began his wellness journey as a child in martial arts, then progressed to sports and bodybuilding in high school, eventually becoming a personal trainer in college. He ran the weight room at Georgia Southern University while earning a BBA and a MBA. He was a Certified Fitness Trainer, Specialist in Performance Nutrition, and a CPR and First Aid Instructor. He has competed successfully in strength and bodybuilding competitions. In college, Jonathan was given a vision from the Lord that his path would be one of an ambassador for wellness. This calling required that Jonathan would endure diverse trials and tribulations. His path of wellness required much diligence, willingness to endure extreme pain, and an intense commitment to overcoming evil. Jonathan has served in many leadership roles throughout the years, and has over 20 years of experience in the Health and Wellness/ Fitness Industry. Jonathan was a successful gym owner with one of the world's largest fitness franchise systems. Jonathan sold his beloved gym and home in Georgia, when the Lord made it clear that he was to leave behind all of the friends, family, and network of associates he loved dearly, in order to move his family in obedience to Northwest Arkansas. In addition to his extensive fitness resume, Jonathan has walked with Jesus for over 30 years. Jonathan grew up in the Southern Baptist Church, and prayed the sinners prayer and was baptized at the age of 7. He was touched powerfully by God at a summer camp at the age of 14 and was on fire for Jesus! Sadly, he allowed the fire to grow dim and walked down a very dark, wicked path for several years, eventually being offered a deal by Satan himself. Jonathan refused this deal and instead chose to return to his first love, the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Since making Jesus truly Lord of his life, Jonathan has continued to chase the Lord to find Him in very deep places, overcoming principalities of darkness along the way. During an intense season of battle against a satanic coven of witches, the Lord gave Jonathan temporary vision into the spiritual realm, and called him to be His warrior. Jonathan learned how to war in the spirit, and graduated from the Fire and Grace School of Ministry. The Lord called Jonathan to write this wellness series to break the strongholds of the enemy. Jonathan has recently been called by the Lord to Pastor. Jonathan was ordained by Apostle Dean Odle, and is currently working to launch a true church in Northwest Arkansas. Jonathan has a combination of experiences that has uniquely qualified him to bring forth the wellness message from a true, Biblical perspective.
Jonathan is nothing. Jesus is everything. Praise God!
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