About the author
Lawrence was born and raised in Pontiac, Michigan now currently residing in Huntsville, Al. He started with credit repair back in 2011. Almost every way you could fail at this he has but would not give up because he had a goal and was determined to accomplish it. After years of relentlessness things finally started to click. Then he ran into another snag some accounts just were not budging no matter how many violations were disputed.
Then he had to find a way to get results despite, so after months of research he discovered that the credit bureaus seem to think this is some sort of game so the only way to win was to bring what they were doing to light. He came across the option to sue them, but he thought to himself this could get expensive to hire a lawyer to sue or more to try to fight them on the laws. The light bulb went off how about he could find a way to sue and not have to use any laws and if he does this right the credit bureaus would be willing to settle rather than going to court.
He started with his own accounts on his credit and was very successful using this tactic. He wanted to make sure the success could be replicated so he used friends and family as Guinea pigs. There results were just astonishing the credit bureaus were willing to settle out of court, delete the accounts and now people were negotiating cash settlements as well. This step-by-step guide that has worked for many is now available to the public and the process is so simple. He has no previous writing experience but earned an MBA with concentration in Logistics from Alabama A&M University in 2015 and a pillar in the community helping achieve financial goals they never even could dreamed of.