How to solve all of your problems. a book written to help the general public and society at large move on with what ever is making them feel depressed, or stressed. Suicide is often a very taboo subject matter in most societies and often not talked about as much as it should be. With the suicide rates jumping up in 2020 to 800,000/year something more needs to be done. According to leading world psychologists most of these deaths are preventable. This book encourages the start of a conversation. Sometimes that's all it takes. By buying this book your helping to start a conversation away from depression, loneliness and self harm and towards taking the right steps toward the change needed for a better life. By buying this book you could be preventing suicide and you could be saving a life. This book is a tool to be used by anyone that deems it helpful. keep in mind this book is for novelty purposes and should be used accordingly. This book should be be gifted during birthdays, holidays, weddings, office parties, to liberal's, Democrats, communist, socialists or anyone that needs to start that conversation. Mental health matters. the words "we are all in this together" doesn't have to mean we are all struggling alone. Be the change you want in your community. Check on your neighborhood. Give them this book.