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Book details
  • SubGenre:Consumer Behavior
  • Language:English
  • Pages:50
  • eBook ISBN:9798350927474

How to Get Your Money Back From Big Companies

by Jim Lauria

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An experienced business executive gives you secrets on how to get your money back for botched customer service and defective products, starting with ten sure-fire tips to help you get what you deserve. He publishes the actual (sometimes hilarious) complaint letters he wrote that returned tens of thousands of dollars to him from a satellite TV provider, a consumer products company, a hotel chain, two airlines, a consumer electronics company, an overnight delivery service, a window manufacturer, a running shoes company and home furnishings supplier. And as an added bonus, he includes a simple fill-in-the-blank template to help you easily write your own letters. CEOs may learn a thing or two as well. So even if you do not have good writing skills, by investing just $5.99, this guide will improve your personal finances by allowing you to act as your own consumer advocate to recover your hard-earned money.
Here are some of the testimonials from people who used the advice from the book: Great Advice Everyone Can Use "Very enjoyable and an easy read. I love that this provides clear direction that everyone can use to write a letter when you have a bad experience with a business. Wish I had this a few years ago when our hotel room was double-booked and another couple came into our room around midnight! I knew there should have been some type of compensation but did not know how to go about getting it. Now I know for future situations!" WP Buy it, you'll need it! "Thanks Jim...This book puts on paper and in a concise and thought-out order all the necessities for confronting the corporations that are constantly banging on our nerves and wallets. Being currently in the middle of one of these battles, Jim's advice is really coming in handy. If you need help dealing with a big or small company, check out this book!! If you don't need it now, you will later!!" JK A No-Brainer Investment "Credible because it's from a company CEO standpoint. Real-world results documented. Handy sample templates. Sometimes so funny I almost got 'incontinent' as you'll see when you read that part." TCP Buy this book!. We've all had a bad consumer experience without resolution. Finally, I now know how to get my money back. "If you've ever had a bad experience with any company and want your money back this is a quick and easy read with amazingly effective information on how to get the monetary compensation you deserve. I hate to write and have felt my voice would never be heard anyway, so have never taken action. This step-by-step guide changed all that for me. It's funny, informative and even provides an easy-to-use template for you to quickly write an effective letter to the decision maker who can write that refund check." LRM Doing business with big business? You must read this book! "Long awaited, Jim Lauria's insights and observations into how we the consumer can recoup our losses from big companies is an indispensable read to anyone who does business with big business. Borrowing from his personal experience, Jim Lauria helps us to navigate through a most potentially frustrating process, teaching us to regain what is our due. Also, worth mentioning is the slick, Mad Men-esque cover. I would highly recommend this book." LLC This is a "must read" for anyone looking for the elusive win-win. "The author's own examples are comprehensive, artfully presented - with outcomes -, and give sound credence to his 10 tips to getting your money back. Nothing succeeds like success and Mr. Lauria's examples and commentary demystify getting the win-win result, even as consumer protection seems to be losing ground. Worth many times the price." CJH You get what you pay for here "Everyone hates bad treatment by big companies. To seek satisfaction afterwards can feel like a losing proposition. The author provides clear guidance on how to do it. I like that. He gives real-world examples of how it worked for him. I also like that. The promise of the book is fulfilled." JBK Corporations Beware "Jim Lauria explains, in an extremely succinct manner, how to write a letter to get back your money from 'evil' corporations. Thankfully he does it in an entertaining manner that keeps you reading by wanting to find out the results of his own letters. The template at the back of the book alone is worth the money." BB Excellent, useful book "I used to work for Jim, and he always was an expert in customer service. I should have known he was going to come up with a book like this, as he always seemed to have a story about an event that happened to him, and how he dealt with it. Most inspiring was the way he approached these events with professionalism and reasonableness. Jim never tried to gouge or blackmail a company into a payoff beyond what was reasonable. He just always clearly understood what was right and had a unique ability of making others see it the same way. Now he shares th
About the author
Jim Lauria is an international business executive with a strong financial track record as president of a privately-held company, CEO of a publicly traded corporation and founder of his own consulting business. Since graduating with a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering degree from Manhattan College, he has traveled the world benchmarking and documenting the best global water management practices. He is a frequent speaker at water industry events and is a regular contributor of articles on water issues. Jim has published feature and cover articles for most of the leading water industry publications in the U.S. and many top international magazines. His blog posts have received accolades from all levels of industry and government. In 2004 Jim provided peer review for the World Health Organization's publication on drinking water treatment making him a Who's Who of WHO. Jim lives in California with his wife, Laurie Lauria who fills his life love, laughter and alliteration.