The startup process is the most exciting and fun activity. It is useful to start young. However, the startup process is also mired by challenges, pitfalls, misconceptions. Many books have been written about the startup process and technique. However, I found that many deal with peripheral issues rather the core, essential issues. This book is intentionally kept short, concise, and to the point. As a practitioner, teacher, and author, I have read almost all the books that have been written about the topic. This book speaks strongly from personally practicing startup entrepreneurship. It talks about all the pitfalls and misconceptions because I have experienced them first hand. I promise you that this book covers the essence of the startup, entrepreneurship and innovation process. It does not dial down the level of difficulties of startup and artificially cheer people up with false hope, but it gives hope by outlining the solid rules that rule breakers all through history adhere to.
This book has useful guidelines that you have never heard in any book. It provides useful Idea Grader and Five Steps to Great Idea generator for big ideas. In startup, choice and idea is very important. The most common mistake people make is to identify a small problem or a fake problem. This book provide immediate boost of creativity efficiency to anyone interested in using creativity to solve big problems for the world.