Takes the classic stories of the old testament, puts back all the stuff that was removed to keep children from running away screaming, and illustrates it. The Bible restored to its full g(l)ory. These 240 brilliantly illustrated pages include the following eight stories: Abraham and Isaac; Lot (or Sodom); Adam and Eve; Noah's Ark, Moses and the Midianites; Job; The Priest and the Concubine; and Jephthah's Daughter. The title page to each story contains the book and chapter so you can check for yourself that these are really the stories. They are likely to differ a bit from what you learned as a child as the real stories would've been too horrifying to teach children, and not very good for recruiting members or for holiday songs.
The old testament is the basis for all three of the Abrahamic traditions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) and though this book is intended to be funny, it is also intended to contribute to the discussion of the role of religion in society. If the Bible is what we're going to base our moral authority on, then let's be honest about what's in there...and have a few laughs while we're at it.