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Book details
  • SubGenre:Hiking
  • Language:English
  • Pages:150
  • eBook ISBN:9781483544601

Hiking Southwest Utah and Adjacent Areas

by Tom Garrison

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Hiking Southwest Utah and Adjacent Areas, Volume One (2014) is now available in ebook and paperback formats. Each of the 25 hikes described in the guide originally appeared as a published story in The Spectrum (St. George, Utah daily newspaper).

This guide is about hiking and generally exploring desert areas, specifically southwest Utah and adjacent areas (southern Nevada and northern Arizona). There is no better way to experience the ruggedness and beauty, the history of settlement by Native Americans and later pioneers, and the solitude than by simply hiking and exploring. The purpose in writing this book is to enhancement the enjoyment of all who wish to sample the richness of southwest Utah and adjacent areas.

Included in the book are more than 25 color maps and more than 50 color photos taken during the hikes. Twenty-five hikes are featured, each one includes: a general description of the hike; trailhead access; average hiking time; hiking distance; fees and permits; elevations; best season for the hike; trail rating (difficulty); type of hike; United States Geological Survey map(s) used for the hike; online resources about each hike; a sense of humor/playfulness about each hike; and a full description of finding the trailhead and the hike.

Additional chapters cover “How to Use This Guide,” “Desert Hiking Tips,” “Quick Hiking Guide,” “Trailhead Locator Maps,’ and a five pages of “Information Sources.”

Go outdoors and relax, leave the pressures of daily life behind for a few hours. These hikes are not hard-core three day backpacking treks through the wilderness. That is a great thing, but not for the vast majority of people, even those who enjoy the outdoors. There are many good hiking books with long, tough hikes—this is not one of them.

These are more of “get off the couch or out of your daily rut” and see what nature, plate tectonics, and erosion have given you. These stories and hikes are for the average person/family that understands the value of nature, but never quite gets out to enjoy it.

I have explored and hiked the American Southwest for more than 25 years. My wife, Deb Looker, accompanied me on all those treks and every hike in this book.

The print and ebook versions of Hiking Southwest Utah and Adjacent Areas, Volume One can be found at all estores. Examine the book’s website at: http://my.bookbaby.com/book/hiking-southwest-utah-and-adjacent-areas

Address all inquiries to Tom Garrison at: tomgarrison98@yahoo.com. Consider visiting the Hiking Southwest Utah and Adjacent Areas Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hiking-Southwest-Utah-and-Adjacent-Areas/1489605251309735. Your comments are welcome.


Hiking Southwest Utah and Adjacent Areas, Volume One (2014) is now available in ebook and paperback formats. Each of the 25 hikes described in the guide originally appeared as a published story in The Spectrum (St. George, Utah daily newspaper).

This guide is about hiking and generally exploring desert areas, specifically southwest Utah and adjacent areas (southern Nevada and northern Arizona). There is no better way to experience the ruggedness and beauty, the history of settlement by Native Americans and later pioneers, and the solitude than by simply hiking and exploring. The purpose in writing this book is to enhancement the enjoyment of all who wish to sample the richness of southwest Utah and adjacent areas.

Included in the book are more than 25 color maps and more than 50 color photos taken during the hikes. Twenty-five hikes are featured, each one includes: a general description of the hike; trailhead access; average hiking time; hiking distance; fees and permits; elevations; best season for the hike; trail rating (difficulty); type of hike; United States Geological Survey map(s) used for the hike; online resources about each hike; a sense of humor/playfulness about each hike; and a full description of finding the trailhead and the hike.

Additional chapters cover “How to Use This Guide,” “Desert Hiking Tips,” “Quick Hiking Guide,” “Trailhead Locator Maps,’ and a five pages of “Information Sources.”

Go outdoors and relax, leave the pressures of daily life behind for a few hours. These hikes are not hard-core three day backpacking treks through the wilderness. That is a great thing, but not for the vast majority of people, even those who enjoy the outdoors. There are many good hiking books with long, tough hikes—this is not one of them.

These are more of “get off the couch or out of your daily rut” and see what nature, plate tectonics, and erosion have given you. These stories and hikes are for the average person/family that understands the value of nature, but never quite gets out to enjoy it.

I have explored and hiked the American Southwest for more than 25 years. My wife, Deb Looker, accompanied me on all those treks and every hike in this book.

The print and ebook versions of Hiking Southwest Utah and Adjacent Areas, Volume One can be found at all estores. Examine the book’s website at: http://my.bookbaby.com/book/hiking-southwest-utah-and-adjacent-areas

Address all inquiries to Tom Garrison at: tomgarrison98@yahoo.com. Consider visiting the Hiking Southwest Utah and Adjacent Areas Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hiking-Southwest-Utah-and-Adjacent-Areas/1489605251309735. Your comments are welcome.

About the author

I was born the youngest of four children to two Dust Bowl Okies who migrated to Shafter, CA in the Central Valley. I graduated with a BA in political science from California State College, Bakersfield in 1974; earned a MA in political science from University of California, Davis in 1976; and finished all but my PhD dissertation in political science at University of California, Santa Barbara in 1980.

One lifelong passion has been my love of the outdoors. My first three decades, this was limited to exploring California. The last 25 years I have explored and hiked the American Southwest. My wife, Deb Looker, has been my partner on all these adventures.

See the Hiking Southwest Utah and Adjacent Areas Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hiking-Southwest-Utah-and-Adjacent-Areas/1489605251309735

I also published a book in 2012, Why We Left the Left: Personal Stories by Leftists/Liberals Who Evolved to Embrace Libertarianism. See the Why We Left the Left webpage for more information including direct links to online bookstores: https://my.bookbaby.com/book/why-we-left-the-left/

In September 2013 Why We Left the Left was awarded Honorable Mention in the Non-Fiction Category of the League of Utah Writers Published Book contest.

The Facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Why-We-Left-the-Left/173860626049768

In September 2014, my second book, Challenge Authority: Memoir of a Baby Boomer was awarded 2nd place in the Non-Fiction Category of the League of Utah Writers Published Book contest.

Visit the Challenge Authority webpage for more information including direct links to online bookstores:


Also see the Challenge Authority Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/challengeauthority