A farmer is murdered in 1809.
A secret plasma weapon is accidentally discharged in 1999.
And, in the summer of 2017, post-doctoral researcher Courtney Snow is hired into the ichthyology lab of Dr. Fredriche Messi.
Located at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario, Messi – brilliant scientist and dedicated stoner - is the leading authority on control of Petromyzon marinus – the sea lamprey.
When a Queens student is savagely killed by an unknown serpentine monster, Courtney is thrust into an escalating series of events that may result in the extinction of the human race.
Though intelligent and dauntless, shadowy forces are conspiring against her success. But she has a unique advantage; the ability to see and communicate with the dead.
Set on the Queens campus, Lake Ontario, and Lemoine Point conservation area; in Herkimer's Nose award winning indie author Richard Schwindt has - again - fashioned eccentric characters and multiple genres into a techno-thriller, monster story, ghost story, love story and comic novella.
Be prepared for amusing banter, cartoonish violence, puerile sexual innuendo and swearing.