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Book details
  • Genre:HUMOR
  • SubGenre:Topic / Adult
  • Language:English
  • Pages:328
  • Paperback ISBN:9780692758977

Hashes & Bashes

by PJ Colando

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An outsider visits Jackie and Steve Breeden's family farm, claiming to be kin...and Hashes & Bashes begin. Carl Edwards' high-spirited presence rocks the entire community, especially when he gets rich quick. Will this charismatic outsider earn his way into their hearts?
FAITH… FAMILY… FRENZY... handled with humor and aplomb by a group of lively characters who populate small town and rural America. HASHES & BASHES flirts with satire on contemporary social issues, clashes fraught with folly rather than fists. Nine months after their comically abbreviated RV road trip, detailed in the award-winning book, STASHES, the Breeden family farm routines have stabilized: Jackie returned to her high school cafeteria job and their only son, Brandon, works alongside his father, Steve, in their dairy business. Conniver Amy, now Brandon's ex-wife, has been jailed. Steve was already perturbed with family when Carl Edwards strides onto his farm, claiming to be kin. Carl's high-spirited presence rocks the entire community, especially when he gets rich quick. Will this charismatic outsider earn his way into their hearts? Other lively characters assault Steve's calm-against-chaos preferred lifestyle in this humorous small town tale: • his spunky farmwife, Jackie, and her meddlesome church lady friends • his recently-divorced son, Brandon, and his female pursuers • his brother, David's penchant for monetary bailout • his pastor, who attempts to foist guilt while groveling for funds • the lure of medical marijuana and adventures uncommon to farms Only Sparty, Steve's dog, remains steadfast throughout the hijinks. But then... Laugh beyond the contemporary social issues that confound family life in this humorous book for adults.
About the author
PJ Colando was born and raised in the Midwest, yet unabashedly aspired for adventure elsewhere, following her parents' model. She lives in southern California with her husband, an area populated by migrators who, like her, watched the Rose Bowl and Parade on TV and decided to move West. She writes to explore and cherish her roots. Frequent visits with friends and family replenish her stories... Humorous book for adults result! PJ is the author of three novels, with short stories, personal essays, and articles published in journals, magazines, and anthologies. She's earned an Erma Bombeck humor award, Reader's Favorite silver award, and Southern California Writers Conference fiction award. She's drawn praise for her singular voice, humor and satire on contentious social issues and insights into human life. PJ writes funny! Join her on her Boomer humor blog on her author site: http://www.pjcolando.com. PJ is having a blast and you will, too.