The purpose of this guide is to provide an overview of sustainable development and how you can make an immediate, positive impact on the world. We invite you to explore the challenges of sustainable development, seek logical steps to success, and take meaningful action.
This guide highlights the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030, also known as the Global Goals. It makes the case that these goals are the most logical path to overcoming the monumental problems that face our world. The SDGs address hunger, poverty, equality, clean water, education, and the protection of natural resources for future generations.
As you read the Sustainable Development Guide, consider these questions:
1. Do I know the 17 Global Goals?
2. Am I passionate about specific goals?
3. Are nonprofits providing continuous handouts or truly providing sustainable development solutions?
4. How much of my time and resources go towards attaining these goals?
5. Should I (or my company) redouble efforts towards the Global Goals?
Finally, this guide is for everyone! It is entirely apolitical, and the primary goals are education and inspiration on a hot topic, sustainable development.