The book illustrates how God often uses the adversities and challenges of life to train, strengthen, and shape the facets of Christians for His work. “Consider it pure joy my brother whenever you face trials of many kind’s (James 1:2)” Are you enduring overwhelming trials, adversity or challenges, in your life as a Christian? Or have you wondered why have I gone through so many or such intense struggles? If this describes your life, then "CONGRATULATIONS" you've been enrolled in GOD’S UNIVERSITY OF ADVERSITY! Through the ages God has used the events of life to train, develop and strengthen "His" chosen leaders for His work. Study the lives of the great men of the Bible and you'll see how God used and still uses the events of life to shape, train and prepare individuals He has chosen for His purpose. Like a master jeweler God designs a plan for your life that remove's impurities, while at the same time grinding the facets of your personality to reflect His light. True, to be admitted in God's University of Adversity is not easy. However, through perseverance, once you graduate you will have developed your talents, learned to tap into God's resources, gained spiritual strength and endurance, and developed the fruit of the Spirit in your life. In essence you will shine as living stones set in God's spiritual house (1 Peter 2:5).