About the author
Stephen Weese has been a Christian and a freak almost his entire life. He was saved at the age of ten and started playing Dungeons and Dragons when he was twelve. In elementary school the gift of a Commodore 64 computer turned him into a geek. As he was studying Computer Science in college, he became an assistant to a pastor at a small Baptist church where he began ministry training. He has given sermons in churches and spoken at campus Christian groups and attended leadership conferences at a charismatic church. He is currently pursuing his second masters in Ministry.
Stephen has been teaching computer classes at the college level for over twelve years now and holds a Masters degree in Computer Information Technology. The computer book he co-wrote, the A+ Exam Prep, was the number one selling title for Coriolis Press. His ministry, Fans for Christ, a group for Christian fans of anime, sci-fi, role playing, goth, and other similar interests, has been around for over ten years and is online at www.fansforchrist.org. He is launching a new site soon, christianfreak.com. His hobbies include music, anime, gaming, and acting as well as auto racing and playing Live Action Roleplaying (LARP) games. He lives in Los Angeles.