Growing up, I loved to learn new things. While most of my peers loved to play sports, I loved to go to the library and find new worlds to explore. Back in my day, you had to locate books thru the card catalog system, which were thousands of index cards in a mammoth set of drawers. The most valued citation I ever received was a certificate from a library stating I was a member of the 'Look it Up Club' during a summer reading program at age eight to locate a series of books using the card catalog. I still have it 60 years later. My least-liked subject in high school was history/social studies. It was just plain bland. I could do the memorization part and made good grades, but the history didn't interest me. I wrote this book hoping that the history I present in this fictional novel will spark an interest in the young reader or parent to learn more about the history and causes of racism in America and entertain at the same time.