From being someone who has faced a lot of heartache and heartbreak. From focusing on the glass being half empty(my troubles) to sometimes somewhat more than focusing on it being half full(the blessing attached to this pain). I have learned that sometimes you must flow with the things you cannot control by giving them to the Lord (Jesus Christ). He handles what I cannot, and I do what He has equipped me to do. I have learned to love others despite the hate I was shown and to be kind, although I sometimes felt alone. But through it all, I have come to understand that. Even though things change (people, circumstances, even myself), The Lord God Almighty never changes, but on the contrary, He is. The same yesterday, today, and forever (see Heb. 13:8). So with consistency such as is displayed through the Character of the Creator. I know that Scripture cannot lie, and when I have been told that all things God works out for His children (see Rom. 8:28), I see His holy Word being demonstrated more and more in and throughout my life and even throughout the world. That is why I cannot write and display my pain the same as every other writer, so, therefore my words are all from a different perspective.