Fremojo is a Trilogy of Horror Adventure stories set in the parallel worlds of Gothic Victoriana and Supernatural Fantasy. Only by learning to master two great powers can young Roquefortes LeBaron return balance to Three Worlds of Life that determine human destiny; save his family dynasty from evil forces and find ultimate love. Our dissolute Gothic hero can only emerge triumphant by confronting the sinister ‘World Joint Stock Company, the awesome power of Druid Majik - and the evil Fremojo. In each gripping quest the series’ core narrative - love overcoming time and tribulation - is explored through greed, vanity and the temptations of base desire. Behind the Gothic horror, majik and fantasy and sweeping Victorian settings is a story of eternal love and burning desire set over a period of 75 years, as two young star-crossed lovers find themselves caught between two alien worlds pitched in a deadly battle over the power of good and evil. Fremojo: Dark Desire. When a dissolute Victorian banking heir finds an ancient book of Majik, he triggers catastrophic events that threaten to destroy his family, their great fortune - and cast thousands into poverty. Corporate rivals first kidnap his girlfriend then assassinate his father, forcing our reluctant hero to harness the power of Majik in order to save his loved ones, protect the family bank - and thousands around the world who depend on its good works. During the great financial crisis of 1837, young Roquefortes LeBaron must confront and overcome the sinister power of Merdok, the Masters of the Underworld… and the evil Fremojo. But in doing so, he must give up the one he loves and sacrifice his dream of independence.