Did you know that there are twenty-one different kinds of armadillos in the Americas? Imagine that you are an armadillo, a little armored one, you would have hard-armored bands on the outside, but lots of fear and anxiety on the inside. Meet Nilda, the nine-banded armadillo who works her way through Argentina on a quest to cure herself of anxiety. Along her journey, she befriends three species of armadillo, the pink fairy armadillo, the three-banded armadillo, and the screaming hairy armadillo. Sounds crazy, right? But it's true. The new friends share similar anxieties as they trek across the Pampas, the rainforest and the great Iguazu Falls. They encounter a jaguar, an anaconda, a gaucho, and a wise sloth and finally face their anxieties and fears together. Witness the power of friendship in this delightful chapter book that will whisk you away on an adventure across Argentina. As you travel with Four Anxious Armadillos, you'll get some advice from a wise sloth, learn some anxiety coping skills, pick up some Spanish words, a little geography of South America, and learn fun facts about four very unique anxious armadillos.