John D. "Duffy" Daughenbaugh was born November, 1945 in Charles City, Iowa. He graduated from the University of Santa Clara with a BA in History and earned a commission in the US Army. After training, he was assigned as Commanding Officer of an Army Security Agency company on Okinawa. He retired March, 2013, ending a 42-year banking career. He presently resides in Los Angeles with his wife, Su Mei Ho. Duffy's diving and shell collecting interest began in 1968 on Okinawa. Subsequent collecting activities were limited to Vietnam, Greece and Taiwan, supplemented by frequent dive trips.
Randall Bridges was born April, 1959 in Yakima, Washington. After attending Bradley University and Arizona State University he began a lifelong career in the platinum jewelry industry. His career took him to Florida where he developed a strong interest in molluscs and shell collecting, particularly the cowries. Currently retired, his passion for seashells continues to keep him busy. In addition to authoring and co-authoring articles on cowries, Randy is also recognized as a leading photographer of seashells. For this book, the senior author took the photographs and Randy performed the post processing and color plate production.