About the author
Kevin Thomas Morgan (aka FitOldDog) is a veterinarian with extensive training in Pathology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, and mathematical modeling, who has moved into this new career of body movement and aging. His business, Old Dogs in Training LLC, has the specific goal of encouraging and assisting people to undertake programs of safe exercise for better health. He has an emphasis on getting on with life after major health challenges, which in his case was a self-diagnosed, life-threatening abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) – click this link to download a free copy of his Surgery Recovery Guide. He is the first person in the world to complete an Ironman race with an AAA stent graft. Click the image to see his 2011 Lake Placid Ironman finish, showing no signs of plantar fasciitis after the 140.6 race (undertaken very carefully – first person in the World with an AAA stent graft). His desire to continue Ironman racing, safely, into his 70s has promoted his interest in body awareness and efficient movement.