Seth Greening of Seth On Survival was the fourth most popular, or as he would say, the first most reliable! supernatural researcher on the planet before his disappearance from the Internet under mysterious circumstances one super moon. Seth’s field work crosses dozens of supernatural realms, and can still be found at his website Even in his absence, Seth’s website continues to connect supernatural survivors of every stripe, who report from around the world and beyond, offering advice and support to one another. From high-functioning zombies to werewolves and vampires, from ghosts to garden gnomes and everybody in between, young supernaturals connect and commiserate at
The contents of the book in your hands were found on Seth’s server, compiled by Seth himself before his disappearance. It contains the most comprehensive report of Seth’s research into the life and disappearance of Louis Pine, a young lycanthrope who documented his first werewolf transformation in front of the world online.
Although his were-abouts remain unknown, uncorroborated sightings of Seth continue to appear online, offering hope to friends and colleagues that he may in fact remain alive in one form or another.
Seth’s other works include Moonseed: The Origin of Louis Pine’s Lycanthropy as told by his own mother Loretta, and Archie Hartigan and the Frost Wolf the story of a Monster Hunter who learns that just because you are a monster doesn’t mean you can’t be a hero.