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Book details
  • Genre:DRAMA
  • SubGenre:American / General
  • Language:English
  • Series title:Fatherless
  • Series Number:1
  • Pages:294
  • eBook ISBN:9781667854014


Life Without Knowing Who

by Camberlynn West

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Genevieve Johnson grew up believing that her father purposely left she and her mother for his own interests. Growing and maturing without him was difficult, not realizing that her father was always there, watching and supporting from the shadows. Her growing scorn for an absent father caused disbelief in a loving Heavenly Father. It wasn't until she lost her husband and son that realizing how wrong she had been came crashing through in a crescendo of realization.
Her life wasn't easy, by any stretch of the imagination. Through trials and tribulations, her father was always in her corner, though she never knew it. A multitude of sins and false beliefs prevented her from not only believing in her earthly father, but also barred the way to salvation. Elementary school, Junior and Senior High School, and College were all adventures culminating in a life that turned bitter. She found success after success in business but committed some grievous acts to keep her way of life. Behind the scenes, her father did everything he could to smooth the way. God often surrounds us with examples from people who know HIM. So it was with Genevieve. If you want to see how her life and the life of her father turn out, pick up this first volume now.
About the author
Camberlynn West is a Christian public school teacher with four grown children and five grandchildren. Having two Masters degrees, one in elementary education and the other in adult education, Camberlynn brings thirty five years of classroom experience to the authoring table.