About the author
Right out of SVA Prueitt did illustrations for Saturday Evening Post, Travel Magazine, Fishing Magazine, The Reporter Magazine, Esquire promotion, and a lot of ad agencies. He got an ad assignment to go back stage at CBS TV and draw a live show. What a jolt. Music, dance, acting, editing, color, cameras, directors – he fell in lust, broke his pencils and asked Lou Dorfsman for a job. At CBS TV he worked on every major show for five years: designing promotion, openings and special effects.
Prueitt taught design in motion, at night, at Pratt Institute – matriculated to BBDO advertising as a TV art director. Then to McCann Erickson advertising as Sr. Art Director/Writer/Producer. Started writing screenplays. Became Creative Director Sr VP for Jim Jordan working on Quaker, Zest, Welch’s, and Butterfingers and every new pitch at the agency. After directing for four production companies in NYC Prueitt started his own production company shooting hundreds of commercials around the world. He was an Emmy judge for fifteen years. Prueitt has written twenty-three screenplays, three have been optioned. Prueitt is currently budgeting a coming of age comedy.