"This book is for the foodie, food-addicted or food-confused. You may know a LOT, but there’s always room to learn MORE-I certainly did! This book is a wonderful tool for ANYONE that has ever struggled with food. Maybe you’ve wrestled with your body image; maybe you’ve wrestled with your weight. Maybe you’ve struggled with knowing how to balance what’s on your plate; maybe you’ve never really known what you need to eat when trying to perform at your peak. This book can assist you!"
"Danielle shares her personal experience, educated instruction, informative data, challenging questions that cultivate self-awareness, playful practices and mindful exercise. Get to the root of your issues and find liberation!"
"This isn’t an encyclopedia of a book, so do not fret; it’s efficient format will allow you to easily work your way towards a more mindful approach to food and movement. Wanna know what’s even BETTER!? Evolve Healthy was designed to be a tool you can use on your own OR with others! Perfect for a small group or book club!"