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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Spiritual
  • Language:English
  • Pages:250
  • eBook ISBN:9781620955932

ET Yoga 2012 and Beyond

The True Nature of Reality

by Charles Green

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This book contains Self Empowering information combining the wisdom of Yogic Masters with extra-terrestrial channeling.
This book contains cutting edge concepts and ideas regarding developing Higher Consciousness. It is a combination of the teachings of Yogic Masters connected to that of extra-terrestrials from the Andromedan, Sirian, Pleiadian and Essassani civilizations. The information is Self Empowering and crosses the line whereby self healing, healing others and energy transference can be achieved. Practical techniques regarding Reality Creation that can relate to the challenges of 2012 and beyond are detailed.
About the author
A student of Yoga Masters Paramahansa Yogananda, Sri. Ramana Maharshi and Sri Swami Satchidananda who has combined this knowledge and combined it with twenty years of study regarding channeled extra-terrestrial channeling. The main body of information called ET Yoga comes from Sirian, Pleiadian, Andromedan, and Essassani contact. Charles is the founder of ET Yoga, meaning attaining a oneness with the Higher Self. He was also the host of the popular worldwide BBS radio show ET Yoga.