Conrad Jules Braun is a maverick among entrepreneurs.
Unlike many hard money advocates in his day, he never called for a return to a government-mandated gold standard. He advocated a free choice of currencies. If you want to trade with gold, fine, but in his view, you shouldn't attempt to force it on other people. The gold standard may not be the best standard; most assuredly, he proclaimed a free and open marketplace in money and banking can come up with something better.
Conrad failed miserably after a decade of pursuing his vision and paid the ultimate price of 11 years in federal prison. Known as Big Bird in federal prison, upon his release he became known as Bumble Bee Braun for appearing in court in a Bumble Bee outfit while campaigning to bring down his prosecutor. He affectionately became known as Ugly Old Goat in the Bitcoin world.
In 2013 Conrad recognized his earlier vision for sound money manifested itself in the innovation, Bitcoin, and purchased his first 10 Bitcoin under $100 using ACH and overdraft protection.
Equity Trading emerged from his consistent bitcoin trading success.
In 2017 Ugly Old Goat was in the Top Ten Notional Traders on Bitmex. In the spring of 2018, he started writing articles on Medium and in the fall ran 2 Bitcoin into 22 Bitcoin. In 2019 he published his trades to his Lifetime Members (his life, not yours!) and ran 2 Bitcoin into 74 Bitcoin. And in 2020 Ugly ran .4 Bitcoin into 47 Bitcoin, turning $7,000 into over $1.4 million.
Whether you are an experienced trader or a new trader just starting out, this book is for you.
His approach is radical. First, throw away your charts. Second, choose to be a small trader. Only then are ready to destroy what he calls backward thinking and embrace Equity Trading.
Hodl, Hodl, Hodl
Sayvv, Sayvv, Sayvv
Buidl, Buidl, Buidl
Sound Money! Sound Money!
This is Ugly Old Goat's mantra. Equity Trading is the practical application of this mantra.