About the author
Victoria Mogilner is a certified acupuncturist, Reiki Master, Shamanic healer, International speaker and work shop leader. I specialize in clearing the subconscious and bringing you home to your soul.
My journey has taken me to Europe, China and Hawaii. My teachers have included Dr. Worsley, where I learned Acupuncture and treating the cause and not the symptoms.
I treat the whole person and specialize in chakra balanncing and opening your heart to self love and nourishment.
THe journey is about learning self love and nourishment and my greatest teacher is Don Miguel Ruiz where I learned about Mastery of love and letting go of giving myself negative messages.
Being real is learned we all make mistakes. As I let go of my shadow I become my authentic self.
THis takes time love and patience.
My journey is about moving forward in spite of mistakes. Forgiveness is one of the keys to happiness.
Learning to take time to breath and being will to yes to life is my motto to joy.
Stop breath and smell the flowers.
Welcome to the new world is my motto for self transformation.