About the author
Louis Eagle Warrior is a member of the Eastern Lenape Indian Tribe.
He is recognized as one of the leading masters of the Native American flute which he performs at concerts and numerous other special events and functions. His acclaimed album, Spirit Tracker, was nominated for three 2002 Native American Music Awards. http://www.nativeamericansmusic.com
He authored the best-selling self-help eBook, Dynamics of the self.
His in-person Dynamics of the Self Seminar is available for engagements
Recognized as a gifted public speaker and writer, Louis Eagle Warrior has frequently been featured as a guest on radio and television.
He has taught the Chinese martial art, Taijiquan, and is a member of the World Taiji Chinese Boxing Association where he is ranked Black Sash 2nd Degree, and is certified by the WTBA as an instructor.