About the author
While hitch-hiking through the States in the early 1970’s, going anywhere life took him, Jhani stumbled on an Ashram in the middle of nowhere in upstate New York. Having rejected orthodox religion and with no specific spiritual interest, Jhani enjoyed ‘hanging-out’, as a hippie will, at the Ashram. Spending time with a kindly old man, whose language contained strange Eastern words and unusual devotions, he returned to his home in England. But he was not the same person who departed. His heart had been nurtured by a special energy. In England, he investigated many wonderful spiritual groups trying to find answers to his questions. Each group offered wise words, but still left Jhani searching - knowing he needed to discover his true spiritual path.
He read many books, visited many spiritual centers and learned much about esoteric Western and Eastern philosophies, yet his heart-yearning was still unfulfilled. All the while he knew, inwardly, that his meeting with the old man in New York state was the gateway to his path. Another few years passed before acquiring the books of the teachings of Agni Yoga (the yoga of fire). However, these books only added to his frustration as no one could respond to his questions that the books raised.
Fortunately welcome relief came with the appearance of one of the kindly old man’s disciples who had come to live in London. Being an extremely knowledgeable student of Agni Yoga, study classes lasted late into the night with uplifting discussions on cosmic concepts. It was quite clear to Jhani that he had found his path and the kindly old man was his core spiritual teacher – his Guru.
It only took a few short years for Jhani to move to Canada to study directly with his Guru, Ralph Houston. Under Ralph’s tutelage, through his life and continuing after his death, Jhani has continued to study Agni Yoga – for what is now over 40 years.
While the pursuit of spiritual learning has taken Jhani to many places and embraced many occupations, his love of the arts and sciences has always been a cornerstone of his life. As Nicholas Roerich, who helped give Agni Yoga to the world, so aptly created in the Pact & Banner of Peace - that arts, sciences and philosophy are encircled in a ring of culture.
Jhani believes, as can be seen by ancient cultures, that the Arts preserve the essence of humanity’s culture. He also has a life-long passion for the leading edges of science and pure math as they show the way to the far-off worlds and to infinity. Like the multi-dimensional universe of quantum physics and the root of minus one that takes one into an imaginary world, such perceptions open the doors of possibilities.
Jhani has written and spoken on many areas of spirituality. This book is a culmination of his studies to date.