Dr. Legere's guide to: Diagnosing, treating and preventing......RUNNING PAIN helps runners keep running. In this book, you will learn what type of injury you possibly have, which treatment options that you can follow to reduce the pain and finally how you can help prevent an injury from developing in the first place. You can't fix the problem effectively without knowing what the actual problem is and with this book, you can finally take your health into your own hands.
In Dr. Legere's first book, he gives runners the ability to take health into their own hands. Without knowing what the problem is at the muscular or neurological level, its virtually impossible for the runner to take care of themselves. With this book, runners can finally address their daily aches and pains that can develop into something more serious.
As Dr. Legere tells his athletic patients, there is no such thing as a healthy athlete. These days with increased levels of working out, people are dealing more with pain than ever before and it takes a knowledge of the body to figure out what is going on. With this book, the runner will be able to take their health into their own hands by learning what muscle is actually bothering them, which treatment protocols can be used to treat the pain and what exercises or stretches can be utilized to give themselves the best chance to keep on the road.