This book does not offer easy answers or formulas for success. It's a living text that meets you where you are and carves new pathways as you explore:
✦ Making peace (and magic) with what can't be changed about you and your life no matter how many alchemical death and rebirth cycles you go through.
✦ Identifying and receiving the support and resources you need in order to be who you are and do what you came to do in this life.
✦ Navigating the disappointment that comes with core alignment by integrating the ego and soul selves.
✦ Understanding the intricate workings of the soul in order to bring The Dreams That Are Dreaming You into form.
✦ Breaking free from the spiritual codependency (martyrdom, sneaky self-righteousness, hyper-individualism, superiority, inequality) that infiltrates how we serve, share our gifts, and integrate our spiritual awakenings into our physical lives.
✦ Collaborating in partnerships and communities in ways that honor and nurture both the individuated and interconnected self.
- Personal anecdotes from the author's own journey of integration.
- An appendix detailing the seven stages of alchemical transformation.
- An expanded glossary illuminating key terms and the lost words of alchemy.
If your human and soul parts are aching to live more cohesively with yourself and the world, this rare book stands ready to accompany you through your own magical, rough-and-tumble integration.