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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Literary
  • Language:English
  • Pages:48
  • eBook ISBN:9788269343212
  • Paperback ISBN:9788269343205

Don't Sleep Under the Midnight Sun and Other Short Stories

by Darshani Panchia

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"Don't Sleep Under the Midnight Sun" explores the universal human longing for connection in a richly drawn collection of short stories.
Thought-provoking and poignant, "Don't Sleep Under the Midnight Sun" explores the universal human longing for connection—whether as a stranger in a foreign country, within one's marriage, or among family who you know the most and the least—with rare and eloquent insight. Everyone's an outsider in their own lives, as the characters in Darshani Panchia's richly drawn collection of short stories illustrates. The feeling of isolation spares no one—from a disenfranchised Norwegian foreign officer haunted by memories in a politically unstable African country to a lonely woman watching her neighbor's house in the aftermath of tragedy, longing to reach out but unsure how.
About the author
Darshani Panchia is passionate about capturing the depth of human emotion through storytelling.