This instructional guide has been designed to aid a person in pursuing their own rights and recovery against an insurance carrier, workman's compensation or third party administrator or a self-insured entity, and to do so completely successfully. Many people do NOT wish to give away 1/3 to 1/2 of their overall settlement to attorneys, especially when they realize that many attorneys are acting essentially as an "insurance adjuster" for the entire front half of their respective claims (where most settle). Only IF and WHEN a matter actually proceeds to litigation do they feel they need to spend the extra money on an attorney. The reality is, many people can, and hundreds of thousands every year DO, handle their own injury claims. This instructional guide is designed to help these people navigate this process and to do so recovering and KEEPING as much of their settlement as possible. As is indicated in the guide, being completely successful at personal injury claims is as much what one does, as what one DOES NOT do (analogous to "stepping on a land mine"). This guide delves deeply into both, helping to instruct WHAT to do, and just as importantly, what NOT TO DO! Further, virtually NO "legal help" books out there (and frankly, very few attorneys) delve into a VERY IMPORTANT [actually, CRITICAL] part of the claim; that of the "back end" of the claim. Whereas the "front end" of the claim can be considered where the claim is put together and successfully negotiated with an insurance company (and many people stop there, including attorneys) -- this is only HALF of the process. The "back end" is an absolutely vital component with the opportunity and potential for economic benefit by both attorneys and lay people. Just as important as it is to OBTAIN money from an insurance company; it is EQUALLY important to retain and hang on to as much of that money as possible. Personal injury claims by their very nature have extensive medical COSTS! This eats up much (often the greatest majority) of a settlement. This instructional guide shows not only where and HOW to negotiate medical billings, but importantly, HOW TO STRUCTURE insurance or a lien in a way MOST advantageous to you. This gives vital information on how to structure medical insurance, medical payments coverage on auto or other policies, in such a way as to maximize what you keep from your recovery. Likewise, another equally critical area often ignored or overlooked (even by attorneys) in this guide is the vital area of SUBROGATION. Often, this area is often ignored by claimants and even attorneys, and many people do not even REALIZE that they will owe repayment to certain insurance companies when settling from other, third party carriers. This can sometimes later come back to haunt a claimant if it is ignored or not properly handled. This strategy is an underutilized area that absolutely can put MORE MONEY IN YOUR POCKET from your insurance settlement. This instructional guide covers virtually every facet of dealing with an insurance company, from the overall strategy in handling the claim, to helping compel a settlement from reluctant or resistant insurance adjusters and managers. There are even techniques for involving the management; WHY AND WHEN you would want to do this; which can help you avoid years long litigation and to get your SETTLEMENT MONEY NOW! Further, this guide goes into insurance company defenses, as well as "hot buttons" which cause your claim to be scrutinized more closely. This discusses how insurance companies EVALUATE claims, how they use of the COLOSSUS claim evaluating software, even their big push against M.I.S.T. claims (Minor Impact Soft Tissue claims) and how they force nearly ALL of these into litigation -- as well as ways to avoid this. This guide is simply a WEALTH of information, gleaned from decades in the business and now can be YOURS for your use in a claim. Frankly, this is EXCELLENT reference material for ANY PERSON, as it gives priceless information to help when and if you or a loved one is involved in an injury case. Likewise this is outstanding information to have BEFOREHAND, even before one might be involved in an injury case, and would make you that much more formidable to deal with. Having this information already, from the first day of an injury claim, would ensure that any case was built from the ground up to maximize its potential.