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Book details
  • SubGenre:Political Process / Political Advocacy
  • Language:English
  • Pages:268
  • eBook ISBN:9781098306366
  • Paperback ISBN:9781098306359

Democracy for the rest of us

A strategy guide to transform the US plutocracy into a democracy

by Perry Krasow

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This book empowers regular citizens to become effective activists who can change our plutocracy into a democracy. Step-by-step, it steers the reader through the entire process:

*Identifying the problem of plutocracy and its damaging effects.

*Gathering activists into a small group or larger organization.

*Creating powerful campaign ideas.

*Using strategies and tools for executing campaigns and gaining our objective.

With this book in your hands, you have the tools to create a world with greater justice and equality.

From the preface: A democracy is a system of government by the eligible members of a nation, typically through elected representatives. If the majority of these elected officials do not represent a nation's citizens, if instead they chiefly represent the interests of one affluent class, that nation is not a democracy. In the United States, the wealthy 1 percent, and the wealthier 0.1 percent, pay for the campaigns of the vast majority of the candidates in Senate, House and Presidential races. As a result, these candidates, once elected, serve that elite group. Our representatives are in fact political servants of this class. This is only one method of legalized bribery where the elite funnels money to politicians. If the rich control the decisions of our government, they are our rulers, not co-equal citizens. A political system controlled by a wealthy elite is a plutocracy. The United States is not a democracy; it is a plutocracy. The purpose of this book is to transform the US plutocracy into a democracy. The results of such a system is that corporations damage the environment through global warming, pollution and habitat destruction. They cause opioid deaths in the tens of thousands, sell commercial airplanes that they know have dangerous technical faults causing thousands more deaths, hire thugs to murder international labor organizers and rainforest activists, and numerous other assaults on the people. They periodically crash the US economy through irresponsible investment devices, then use our taxes to bail them out. They are able to commit these offenses because the government, which is meant to protect its citizens, is controlled by them and refuses to effectively regulate their activity. The richest 1 percent control more wealth than the bottom 90 percent combined. They have reduced their taxes from 70 percent to 37 percent over 35 years, leaving our children with a debt of 23 trillion dollars. As they become wealthier, the rest of us become poorer as our well-paying jobs are replaced with less lucrative ones. They encourage division to keep us fighting for scraps rather than uniting to demand that our government represent us and prevent corporate or class misconduct. In our America, the Senate is dominated by members of the 1 percent. Presidential candidates are billionaires or, with few exceptions, backed by billionaires. But we can claim our government from the plutocrats. We have the tools given to us by the authors of our constitution, the intelligence to organize in our defense and the numbers of citizens to accomplish our objective. We are the 99 percent. This book will show you how to awaken democracy.
About the author
Perry Krasow is a citizen activist. He is not professionally paid for this work. For more than 40 years, he has held down a regular job while working for the causes that are important to him. He has worked in various capacities with local chapters of the National Organization for Women, Asian Women and Allies, Peace Action, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, MassEquality and Indivisible. This book is a result of these experiences. He lives in Waltham, Massachusetts with his beloved, Janet, and works as a Registered Nurse.

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