Good fathering is a powerful force in the lives of children. Daughters are particularly sensitive to what fathers think of them. Thus fathers have a powerful effect on daughters, for good or bad or a mixture of both and these effects last a lifetime.
Usually dads just don’t know how to deal with their daughters, especially during teenage years.
This book, from best-selling parenting author Dr Bruce Robinson, is full of information on this subject and, most importantly, contains many of tips to help dads who want to do a better job of fathering their daughters. It also contains tips for father figures, such as grandfathers, uncles, teachers, coaches and youth leaders as well as tips for adult daughters who want to resolve issues with their fathers.
The book includes stories and tips from over 400 men and women, including US Presidents, a state Governor, four Congressmen, an NFL star and owner, a Kennedy bodyguard, a world record holding runner, an Oscar winner, the founder of Focus on the Family, the President of National Geographic, the International President of World Vision, TV personalities, authors, international sports stars, senior politicians and corporate leaders as well as prostitutes, refugees, nurses, carpenters, convicts, musicians, authors and many others.
Topics include drugs, depression, sexuality, confidence, beauty, respect, impact on marriage, drugs, peer pressure, curiosity, values, faith, special times with girls, how women can resolve issues with their fathers, dealing with separation, making time for kids in a busy schedule, values, expectations, education, handling separation, a wife’s role, daughters versus sons, role of father figures, peer pressure, dad dates and trips, the traps of income and others.
All profits from the sale of this ebook go to the work of The Fathering Project, a university-based not-for-profit organisation which aims to give every child a strong and appropriate father figure (