About the author
Ariel Hyatt is a thought leader in the digital PR world: the founder of a successful PR firm; international speaker & educator and author. Ariel’s Cyber PR® process marks the intersection of social media with engaged behavior, PR, and online Marketing.
Ariel foresaw the impact the advent of the internet and social media would have on public relations long before her peers. Following her vision, Ariel dove into the world of Digital PR in 2003. Her efforts to realize the public relations potential of social media resulted in innovation. Ariel developed her online platform, Cyber PR®, to automate much of the traditional PR process and maximize client placement with new media makers.
Ariel didn’t just provide the platform; she made it her mission to educate artists on how to take advantage of the new digital world. Her efforts have been lauded by artists and industry professionals alike. Ariel’s bi-weekly newsletter and YouTube series “SoundAdvice” has attracted over 20,000 subscribers, and she has penned over 100 articles to date. Ariel is also the author of Music Success in 9 Weeks.
Ariel’s message is so compelling she has been invited to speak at festivals and conferences in fourteen countries, including SXSW, CMJ, ASCAP’s I Create Music, The Future of Music, Canadian Music Week, APRA’s Song Summit (Sydney), You Are In Control (Reykjavik), The ECMAs, NARAS, Grammy Camp, and The Taxi Road Rally.
In the Fall of 2011, Middle Tennessee State University added an official Cyber PR® curriculum (both an intro ad advanced class) based on the principals used in Ariel’s day-to-day business. She and her staffl lead students in a rigorous Cyber PR® accreditation process that includes hands on experience working on active Cyber PR® Campaigns.
Ariel proudly serves on the board of Sweet Relief Musicians Fund. She is an obsessive world traveler, a total foodie, and a vintage lunchbox collector.