Kevin Adams - Painter, June 19, 1951- April 23, 1987
Curtain Call, a collection of work by Kevin Adams, is the encore for his art. His life as an artist began as early as he could pick up a pencil and continued until his death in 1987. Kevin thought of himself not as just an artist but specifically as a Painter. Painting was the primary driving force in his life. This book represents work produced in a ten-year span from 1976 to 1986. Over this period he produced over 50 paintings, most of them reflected in this collection.
The narration of the work in this book is mostly written by Kevin. His writing about his paintings provides us with an insight into his creative thought, his struggles with subject and his intelligence in finding solutions. His journals are as integral to his painting as are the drawings and the preparation of his canvases; they represent the foundation of creativity, his intellect. We also find in his journals and sketch books studies in preparation for his paintings. While struggles and choices are reflected in his writing, there are no compromises made in the development of his work.
You will find that Kevin's direction, once set, is as focused as his style. He refused to compromise for the sake of vanity, greed or marketing. He clearly believed in his painting and demanded it stand on its own. He dares the viewer to judge his work and challenges them to explore the depth within them.
He developed close relationships with several fellow artists during his time in school at Brooks Institute of Fine Art in Santa Barbara. Kevin's closest friends were intelligent, talented and independent; they formed the core of his ideological alter ego. He relied on them to challenge him, stretch his talent and mind, and keep him productive.
After graduation from Brooks Institute of Fine Art he attended Tulane University in New Orleans as a graduate student. While at Tulane he continued to look to his friends from Santa Barbara for intellectual stimulation about art and its place in his world. Two of his closest friends were Anne Gregory and Stephen Fleming who lived in Sacramento, California. Kevin visited them, found a vibrant art community and moved there in 1976.